Tuesday 17 August 2021

Orana Park

At School Yesterday It wasnt School Because we Went to Orana Park . At Orana Park It was Soooo cool I learnt Heaps Of things There Were Heaps Of Animals here was Over 1000 Animals there It was So col to see and learn .

Our First Animal We saw was The Lions . The Lions Were Really Big They Were So cool I heard  They Have A Claw A size of Our finger . The Lions Were Chill They were Enjoying the sun When its out They Were Walking everywhere There were 4 lions 2 Girls 2 boys And they are all family And siblings

And we Saw Other Animals 

They were 


Reptile animals 



Tasmanian Devil 






Farm animals

And Sea Others 

They Were Really Cool To see And Over there Some people Took Photos So here ya go

Tuesday 10 August 2021



Today For biodiversity I did a Activity Of a Summary Of 

The Great Gaurdian Of the Forest Kaitiakitanga 

Kaitiakitanga Is a gaurdian He Protecs the forest \

Thats His Local Job From a local Iwi 

But His Job Is really Serious 

He will protect The forest Even if he had to sacrifice His Life 

Here is my Summary 

Monday 9 August 2021

Wildlife And there food Diet

 Wildlife Is a cool thing It has Heaps of animals 

This is what you call biodiversity 

Biodiversity is a really cool Thing to learn It is very interesting 

you will get to learn about The animals And some animals u might never know 

In my form It will be What are there Diets  And how wildlife Works 

So we have to learn about Biodiversity and then We do activities

Those activities are What i am doing now 

Biodiversity Is something you should learn Because 

When you come near a animal you Could tell evryone all the interesting facts about 

you would be and expert

Well im nearly or trying to get there to expert mode But i gotta keep going 

Heres my Google drawing And My Biodiversity activitie 


Symmetry Insects

 So Uhm Today At school We are Learning what Symmetry was 

Miss told Us We had to draw A symmetric Insecet 

I did A scorpion 

I picked a scorpion Because It looked pretty easy and I mostly draw them At home 

I really enjoyed this this was pretty cool

We had to Do one side like a half and trace 

It was hard tryna draw half a image 

But at the end it looked meaannn as

And for my insect and the other people in our school Looked reall cool 

Everyone had cool patterns I customized my one because 

Why not And the results looked coooll

I hope you like my Scorpion 

Thursday 8 July 2021

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Doubling and halfing

 So Today and last last eek i learnt and the group learnt how to Double and half to get the awnser easier 

It was a struggle of me trying to get the awnser because i didn't really get the awnser right But i hope you 

really enjoy the and get the awnser right 

Monday 31 May 2021

Samoan language week

 Samoan language week 

so in my blog post im gonna be showing you on how to speak it and how to know samoan 

Samoan is a country and its known for the views the rugby players 

So it will be teaching you simple stuff on speaking samoan 

As samoan we our proud and we always rep our culture and you guys should aswell

but heres my post ejouy

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Math strategy

 SO in school today in math we learnt this strategy by using our five time tables

we got easier question and harder harder and harder 

this is a really easy process and its really fast to use 

if you know your 5x tables you would be good at this strategy heres the slideshow on the

Wednesday 14 April 2021



This week we have been doing Diamante poems about Anzac so we drew a diamond and we had to write stuff in it that relates to Anzac so first we drew our diamond the we had to write a noun at the top and in the next line we had to write two adjectives in the next line we had to write three verbs and in the next line we had to write four nouns then in the next line we had to write three verbs in the next line we had to write two adjectives and in the last line we had to write one noun and it makes like a little story after we finished doing the writing we drew pictures on the outside of the diamond on my on I drew a flag and poppy in one corner and in another corner I drew two poppy's and a gun in another corner I drew three medals and in the last corner I drew an army helmet and three crosses after I finished that I colored them all then

st bernadette


This week me and Rico were writing down stuff on a piece
of paper that we new about st Bernadette so we had to write down the

Date of birth and location. 1844 Lourdes in France

The family. Sourbirous

Date of death and location. April 16th 1879 at the age of 35

important influences. when other didn't believe her but she made a miracle and after that everyone believed her

Contributions to the church. Holy communion, Saint, Nun, Reconciliation, penance and Canonized 

Character trait and virtues. Personality, good natured, never malicious, mimicry

Canonization. December 8 1938

The feast day. April 16

Patronage(s) Lourdes France

how I can honor st Bernadette. By not making fun a listening to her because she always tells the truth and she doesn't lie to anyone and by helping her and greeting her.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Easter tridum

 our eater tridum

2 or 3 weeks ago we did a easter tridumm about the jesus 

we had to read information and read more and watch videos and more info 

then we had to do a activity on put the boxes under where it goes and the boxes have an example or info about it 

after that we made Concertina art 

and this is how we made 

1. Make two pictures of god or jesus or anything else you want 

2. go to the back and draw strips equal we did 3 cm

3. then cut them out dont forget the order of them so number them 

4. grab a big piece of paper 

5. then glue the to the paper  make sure its a pattern like put 1 on there and put the other one on there like 22 33 

6. and fold it like a fan 

and wala 

and thats our eater tridum

Friday 12 March 2021

purpose of a blog

in the senior syndicate we are learning what is the purpose of a blog 

so we had to listen to all the activities we had to do 

then make a comic strip about what is the purpose of a blog 

and this was hard to be honest 

but i really enjoyed 

Thursday 25 February 2021

All about me

hi today im a show you all about me 

so im a tell you all the things you should or don't know about me 

 its just some facts 

i made a google drawing thats all about me 
and this was for cybersmart because on the side the right it says everything about me but thats not about me so i created a DLO on all about me 

here it is 

and yeah thats all about me

 thank you bye 

Friday 19 February 2021

Kawa of care

 Kawa of care 

kawa of care is ways to keep you safe online and how to keep your chromebook and yourself safe.

Kawa of care is like rules that take care of you and your chrombook .

Like not giving people your password 

And i made a google drawing that i think that will make me safe and you safe and how to take care of your your chrombook .

Thank you and take care of yourself 

Have a good day 😁

All About Me!

all about me

I like Fortnte  I have more than five friends  and i like going to school to learn and see the Princeapal with his cool haircut an...